For this project, we were randomly chosen for a broad topic. And we were to make two separate posters with the same general subject but different specific topics. I got "Recycling".
POSTER 1 - How Can Recycling be Bad?
My first problems were which specific topics I could choose. There were a lot of them. For the first poster, I ended up with the question "How can recycling be bad?". It was an interesting question to research on.
My first poster was quite plain and boring. My teacher advised me to look up the works of my favorite graphic designers. So I looked up Paula Scher, and I found the "Public" posters. It looked cool visually, and it would be a challenge to me. So I changed my poster to look more crafted. Handwritten types and cut-outs.
After various feedbacks, I made the recycling bin the main "character" of the poster and have the information on the bin itself, instead of around it.


First Look


Second to Final Poster
POSTER 2 - Plastic Pacific
My second poster idea came from a brainstorming session in the class. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). My target audience for this poster was young children. The information should be simple and colorful.

Final Poster



First Look